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Search results for References by hillman smith, k.
Hillman Smith, K., 2023. Northern White Rhinos: the wild side. Swara, Nairobi April-June 2023: 37-43


Hillman Smith, K., 2022. Northern white rhino - extinction or survival?. Swara, Nairobi October - December 2022: 29-34


Hillman Smith, K., 2006. Past population dynamics and individual information on possible surviving northern white rhinos in Garamba National Park and surrounding reserves. Pachyderm 40: 107-115, pl. 1, figs. 1-3, tables 1-4


Hillman Smith, K.; Ndey, J.A., 2005. Post-war effects on the rhinos and elephants of Garamba National Park. Pachyderm 39: 106-110, figs.1-5, table 1


Hillman Smith, K., 2004. D.R.Congo: Wildlife and humanitarian crises in Sudan and the DRC. The Horn Newsletter 2004 Autumn: 9-10


Hillman Smith, K., 2004. Poaching escalates in Garamba National Park. The Horn Newsletter 2004 Spring: 16-17, figs.1-3


Hillman Smith, K.; Ndey, A.; Smith, F.; Tshikaya, P.; Mboma, G.; Ibiliabo, S.; Panziama, G., 2004. Garamba National Park: Systematic aerial sample count of large mammals, April 2004 and total blokc surveys of rhinos and threats, July and November 2004. Report, pp. 1-63


Hillman Smith, K.; Smith, F.; Tshikaya, P.; Ndey, A.; Watkin, J., 2003. Poaching upsurge in Garamba National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo. Pachyderm 35: 146-150, figs. 1-3


Hillman Smith, K.; Smith, F.; Ndey, A.; Atalia, M.; Mafuko, J.; Tshikaya, P.; Panziama, G.; Watkin, J., 2003. Garamba National Park: General aerial counts 1998, 2000, 2002 and 2003 and evaluation of the effects of the civil wars on the ecosystem. Report, pp. 1-177


Hillman Smith, K., 2002. Democratic Republic of Congo: Rumble in the jungle. The Horn Newsletter 2002 Autumn: 18, figs. 1-2


Hillman Smith, K., 2001. Status of northern white rhinos and elephants in Garamba National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo, during the wars. Pachyderm 31: 79-81, fig. 1, table 1


Hillman Smith, K.; Atalia, C.P.M., 2000. AfRSG Range state report: Democratic Republic of Congo. Report to the African Rhino Specialist group, pp. 1-5

Merode,; Hillman Smith, K.; Nicholas, A.; Ndey, A.; Likango, M., 2000. The spatial correlates of wildlife distribution around Garamba National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo. International Journal of Remote Sensing 21 (13/14): 2665-2683, figs. 1-4, tables 1-2


Smith, F.; Hillman Smith, K., 2000. Summary report 1997-2000: Garamba National Park Project. Report, pp. 1-12


Martin, E.B.; Hillman Smith, K., 1999. Entrepots for rhino horn in Khartoum and Cairo threaten Garamba's white rhino population. Pachyderm 27: 76-85, figs. 1-2, photo 1-8, table 1


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