| Gippoliti, S., 2024. Four hundred years of studying and collecting African mammals: a review of Italian contributions to African mammalogy. Journal of Vertebrate Biology 73: 23110: 1-13 - DOI: 10.25225/jvb.23110
 | Gippoliti, S., 2022. Taxonomic history affects current conservation efforts: examples from the primates of the Horn of Africa. Journal of Animal Diversity 4 (1): 18-20 -
 | Gippoliti, S.; Groves, C.P., 2020. Cryptic problematic species and troublesome taxonomists: A tale of the Apennine Bear and the Nile White Rhinoceros. In: Angelici F., Rossi L. (eds) Problematic Wildlife II. Springer, Cham: pp. 509-527
 | Gippoliti, S., 2020. Everything mammal conservation biologists always wanted to know about taxonomy (but were afraid to ask). Journal for Nature Conservation 54 (125793): 1-6
 | De Francesco, T.; Adamo, I.; Duraccio, S.; Gippoliti, S., 2020. Catalogo annotato della raccolta zoologica di Elena d’Orléans, duchessa d'Aosta, presso la Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli. Bollettino del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Verona 44 (Botanica, Zoologia): 29-60, 10 figs, 1 tabs
 | Gippoliti, S., 2019. Conservation breeding programs and refined taxonomy as a political tool for biodiversity conservation: the de Beaux and Durrell legacies. Journal of Animal Diversity 1 (1): 26-33
 | Gippoliti, S.; Robovsky, J., 2018. Ex Situ Sumatran rhinoceros conservation and the agony of choice: an integration with the management strategy proposed by Brandt et al. (2018). Journal of Heredity 109 (7): 830-831 - doi:10.1093/jhered/esy053
 | Gippoliti, S., 2018. Species delimitation in mammals: A comment on Zachos (2018). Mammalian Biology 94: 127-131
 | Gippoliti, S., 2018. Colin P. Groves (1942-2017) and his legacy. Natural History Sciences (Milano) 5 (2): 1-2 - https://doi.org/10.4081/nhs.2018.385