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Search results for References by felton, r.g.
Pennington, P.M.; Marshall, K.L.; Capiro, J.M.; Felton, R.G.; Durrant, B.S., 2019. Ovulation induction in anovulatory southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum) without altrenogest. Conservation Physiology 7(1): coz033; doi:10.1093/conphys/coz033.: 1-11


Tubbs, C.W.; Moley, L.A.; Ivy, J.A.; Metrione, L.C.; LaClaire, S.; Felton, R.G.; Durrant, B.S.; Milnes, M.R., 2016. Estrogenicity of captive southern white rhinoceros diets and their association with fertility. General and Comparative Endocrinology 2016: 1-7


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