| Mohamad, A.; Vellayan, S.; Radcliffe, R.W.; Lowenstine, L.J.; Epstein, J.; Reid, S.A.; Paglia, D.E.; Radcliffe, Rolfe M.; Roth, T.L.; Foose, T.J.; Khan, M., 2006. Trypanosomiasis (Surra) in the captive Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis sumatrensis) in peninsular Malaysia: pp. 1-5
| In: Rhino Keeper Workshop Proceedings of the Fourth Rhino Keepers workshop 2005 at Columbus, Ohio. Columbus, Rhino Keepers Workshop |
 | Vellayan, S.; Mohamad, Aidi; Radcliffe, R.W.; Lowenstine, L.J.; Epstein, J.; Reid, S.A.; Paglia, D.E.; Radcliffe, R.M.; Roth, T.L.; Foose, T.J.; Khan, M.; Jayam, V.; Reza S.; Abraham M., 2004. Trypanosomiasis (surra) in the captive Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis sumatrensis) in Peninsular Malaysia. Proceedings of the International Conference of the Association of Institutions for Tropical Veterinary Medicine 11: 187-189
 | Mohamad, Aidi; Vellayan, S.; Radcliffe, R.W.; Lowenstein, L.J.; Epstein, J.; Reid, S.A.; Paglia, D.E.; Radcliffe, R.M.; Roth, T.L.; Foose, T.J.; Khan, M.K.M., 2004. Trypanosomiasis (surra) in the captive Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis sumatrensis) in peninsular Malaysia. Proceedings of the AAZV, AAWV, WDA Joint Conference 2004: 13-17