| Diedrich, C.G., 2022. Extinct Eurasian rhinoceros Coelodonta and Stephanorhinus dental pathologies and tooth change modus. Quaternary Science Reviews 301 (107922): 1-9 - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2022.107922
 | Diedrich, C.G., 2021. Unicorn 'holotype' skeleton from the Late Pleistocene spotted hyena den site Sewecken-Berge (Germany). Acta Zoologica 2021: 1-70
 | Diedrich, C.G., 2021. Thick skin cutters of Siberian frozen mummies—The coevolutionary adaptation of Eurasian Ice Age spotted hyenas. Acta Zoologica 2021: 1-22 - DOI: 10.1111/azo.12366
 | Diedrich, C.G., 2015. Late Pleistocene spotted hyena den sites and specialized rhinoceros scavengers in the karstified Zechstein areas of the Thuringian Mountains (Central Germany). EG Quaternary Science Journal 64 (1): 29-45 - DOI 10.3285/eg.64.1.03
 | Diedrich, C.G., 2012. Late Pleistocene Crocuta crocuta spelaea (Goldfuss 1823) populations from the Emscher River terrace open air hyaena den near Bottrop and other sites in NW Germany: Their bone accumulations along rivers in lowland mammoth steppe envirnoments and scavenging activities on woolly rhinoceros. Quaternary International 276-277: 93-119
 | Diedrich, C.G., 2012. Late Pleistocene Crocuta crocuta spelaea (Goldfuss, 1823) clans as przewalski horse hunters and woolly rhinoceros scavengers at the open air commuting den and contemporary Neanderthal camp site Westeregeln (central Germany). Journal of Archaeological Science 39: 1749-1767
 | Diedrich, C.G., 2012. An Ice Age spotted hyena Crocuta crocuta spelaea (Goldfuss, 1823) population, their excrements and prey from the Late Pleistocene hyena den of the Sloup Cave in the Moravian Karst, Czech Republic. Historical Biology 24: 161-185, 12 figs, 7 tabs
 | Diedrich, C.G., 2012. Europe's first Upper Pleistocene Crocuta crocuta spelaea (Goldfuss 1823) skeleton from the Koneprusy Caves: a hyena cave prey depot site in the Bohemian Karst (Czech Republic). Historical Biology 24 (1): 69-84
 | Diedrich, C.G., 2011. Pleistocene Panthera leo spelaea (Goldfuss, 1810) remains from the Balve cave (NW Germany)—a cave bear, hyena den and Middle Palaeolithic human cave—and review of the Sauerland Karst lion cave sites. Quaternaire 22 (2): 105-127
 | Diedrich, C.G., 2008. Eingeschleppte und benagte Knochenreste von Coelodonta antiquitatis (Blumenbach 1807) aus dem oberpleistozänen Fleckenhyänenhorst Perick-Höhlen im Nordsauerland und Beitrag zur Taphonomie von Wollnashornkadavern in Nordwest-Deutschland. Mitteilungen des Verbandes der deutschen Höhlen- und Karstforscher, Munchen 54 (4): 100-117
 | Diedrich, C.G., 2008. A skeleton of an injured Coelodonta antiquitatis from the late pleistocene of north-western Germany. Cranium 25 (1): 29-43
 | Diedrich, C.G., 2006. By Ice Age spotted hyenas removed, cracked, nibbled and chewed skeleton remains of Coelodonta antiquitatis (BLUMENBACH 1799) from the Lower Weichselian (Upper Pleistocene) freeland prey deposit site Bad Wildungen-Biedensteg (Hessia, NW Germany). Journal of Taphonomy 4 (4): 173-206, 22 figs.
 | Diedrich, C.G., 2006. Ice age spotted hyenas ?hunting or only scavenging the cave bear Ursus spelaeus Rosenmüller at the Ice Age spotted hyena open air den and prey deposit site Bad Wildungen-Biedensteg (Hessia, Germany). Scientific Annals, School of Geology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Thessaloniki; 98: 193-199, 4 figs, 1 tab.