| Bercier, M.; LaDouceur, E.E.B.; Citino, S.B., 2021. Clinical findings, pathology, biosecurity, and serosurveillance of coxiellosis in white rhinoceroses (Ceratotherium simum) at a conservation center: two cases. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 52 (1): 389-395 - https://doi.org/10.1638/2020-0081
| Yudhichia, A.N.W.; Ferawati, N.M.; Arsan, Z.; Hasmaran, S.; Citino, S.; Bryant, B., 2018. Anestesi kombinasi pada badak sumatra: prosedur awal koleksi sperma menggunakan elektroejakulator. Proceedings of the 20th FAVA Congress & the 15th KIVNAS PDHI, Bali Nov 1-3, 2018, pp. 319-321
| Citino, S.; Bryant, B.; Duncan, M.; Fleming, F.; Hofmeyr, M.; Miller, E.; Miller, M.; Mylniczenko, N.; Paglia, D.; Radcliffe, R., 2012. IOD in rhinos—veterinary group report: report from the clinical medicine and pathology working group of the international workshop on iron overload disorder in browsing rhinoceros (February 2011). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 43 (3s): S105-S107
| Citino, S.B.; Zuba, J.R., 2012. Analgesia for the "Big-Uns", elephants, rhinos, giraffes and hippos. Proceedings of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians Conference 2012: 105-106