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Search results for References by belyaev, r.i.
Boeskorov, G.G.; Chernova, O.F.; Protopopov, A.V.; Neretina, A.N.; Shchelchkova, M.V.; Belyaev, R.I.; Kotov, A.A., 2024. Frozen Mummy of a subadult Woolly Rhinoceros Coelodonta antiquitatis (Blumenbach, 1799) from the Late Pleistocene of Yakutia). Doklady Earth Sciences 518 (Part 1): 1527-1533, 3 figs., 1 table


Boeskorov, G.G.; Shchelchkova, M.V.; Protopopov, A.V.; Kryukova, N.V.; Belyaev, R.I., 2024. Reshaping a woolly rhinoceros: Discovery of a fat hump on its back. Quaternary Science Reviews 345 (109013): 1-10 -


Belyaev, R.I.; Kuznetsov, A.N.; Prilepskaya, N.E., 2023. Truly dorsostable runners: Vertebral mobility in rhinoceroses, tapirs, and horses. Journal of Anatomy 242: 568–591 -


Belyaev, R.I.; Boeskorov, G.G.; Cheprasov, M.Y.; Prilepskaya, N.E., 2023. A new discovery in the permafrost of Yakutia sheds light on the nasal horn morphology of the woolly rhinoceros. Journal of Morphology 284 (21626): 1-6 - DOI: 10.1002/jmor.21626


Rivals, F.; Prilepskaya, N.E.; Belyaev, R.I.; Pervushov, E.M., 2020. Dramatic change in the diet of a late Pleistocene Elasmotherium population during its last days of life: Implications for its catastrophic mortality in the Saratov region of Russia. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 556 (109898): 1-10 -


Prilepskaya, N.E.; Rivals, F.; Belyaev, R.I.; Pervushov, E.M., 2020. Elasmotherian teeth: dietary change and death of late Pleistocene giants (In Russian). Research project presentation Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy Sciences: 1-25 slides


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