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Search results for References by andera, m.
Robovsky, J.; Andera, M.; Benda, P., 2010. Revised catalogue of ceratomorph ungulates in the collection of the National Museum Prague and several other collections in the Czech Republic (Perissodactyla: Rhinocerotidae, Tapiridae) [Revidovaný katalog ceratomorfních kopytník sbírky Národního musea v Praze a nakolika dalších sbírek v Czeské republice (Perissodactyla: Rhinocerotidae, Tapiridae)]. Lynx (N.S.) 41: 237–294


Andera, M., 2003. Preziji nosorozci? Jak ukrast roh mezi ocima. Vesmir 82: 163-166, figs. 1-5


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