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Title: Mold of a rhinoceros in basalt, Lower Grand Coulee, Washington
Author(s): Chappell, W.M.; Durham, J.W.; Savage, D.E.
Year published: 1951
Journal: Geological Society of America Bulletin
Volume: 62 (8)
Pages: 907-918. [doi:10.1130/0016-7606(1951)62[907:MOARIB]2.0.CO;2]
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

America - North America
Distribution - Records
abstract - The occurrence of the mold of a rhinoceros in the pillows at the base of a basalt flow of the Columbia River Basalts near Blue Lake, Washington, is described and discussed. It is concluded that preservation of the rhinoceros mold is due to the special conditions causing the formation o...

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