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Title: Trypanosomosis and other co-infections in translocated black (Diceros bicornis michaeli) and white (Ceratotherium simum simum) rhinoceroses in Kenya
Author(s): Obanda, V.; Kagira, J.M.; Chege, S.; Okita-Ouma, B.; Gakuya, F.
Year published: 2011
Journal: Scientific Parasitology
Volume: 12 (2)
Pages: 103-107
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Africa - Eastern Africa
African Rhino Species
Recent efforts towards the conservation of endangered rhinoceroses in Kenya include re-introduction of the animals into regions where they occurred previously. These efforts have however been hampered by mortalities of translocated animals. The current study was undertaken to determine the cause ...

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