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Title: Versuch einer Auswertung von uber 8500 Angaben uber Krankheits- oder Todesursachen im Sch'nbrunner Tiergarten
Author(s): Brachetka, J.
Year published: 1965
Journal: Zoologische Garten
Volume: 31 (1/2)
Pages: 59-87
File: View PDF: 16,4 kb
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Captive - Europe
Captivity - Zoo Records
Indian Rhino
causes of death in Vienna Zoo. Indian Rhino kept 1856-1894, after 38 years sold to Breslau due to the renovation of the building, where it died soon afterwards.

Captive - Europe
Captivity - Zoo Records
Indian Rhino
Indian Rhino kept 1856-1894, after 38 years sold to Breslau due to the renovation of the building, where it died soon afterwards.

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