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Title: A history of reintroduction and the current status of larger mammals at Phinda
Author(s): Adams, D.
Year published: 1999
Journal: CCA Ecological Journal
Volume: 1
Pages: 19-24, tables 1-4
File: View PDF: 687,2 kb
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Distribution - Records
White Rhino
Ceratotherium simum. Phinda Reserve in northern KwaZulu-Natal was established in 1990 by combining 13 adjacent farms. In 1991 there were 12 white rhino on the property. A further 26 rhinos were translocated to Phinda from Malachite Reserve. While there were no further imports, there were 40 whit...

Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Distribution - Records
White Rhino
Situated in Maputaland in N. KZN, just over 14.000 ha. In 1990-1991 13 farms were bought by Conservation Corporation Africa to establish the reserve. A new 105 km perimeter fence was erected and restocking of large mammals began. In 1993, the Munyawana Game Reserve was formed to include Phinda...

Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Distribution - Records
White Rhino
White rhino were among the first species to be reintroduced. In 1991 there were 12 animals on the propert, when an additional 26 were translocated from the nearby Malachite Reserve. 21 of these were moved in one day. There have been no further reintroductions and numbers have fluctuated due to...

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