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Title: Status report: Rhinos in Botswana
Author(s): Gavor, I.K.N.
Year published: 1988
Publisher: Report
Volume: -
Pages: pp. 1-10
File: View PDF: 409,3 kb
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Africa - Southern Africa - Botswana
Ecology - Habitat
White Rhino
Botswana, Chobe NP. In Chobe NP, the white rhino are very selective in the habitat types they occupy. Generally, they prefer areas with pans, specifically showing a tendency to stay around pans that are fairly big and which retain water for most of, or throughout the year. Additionally, these ...

Africa - Southern Africa - Botswana
Ecology - Census Methods
White Rhino
Melton in 1982 estimated that the population size in Chobe NP and surrounding areas was around 100. The Kalahari Conservation Society in their April 1985 report based on aerial surveys of Northern Botswana put white rhino between 100 and 150. Recent 1987 survey by the Department of Wildlife and...

Africa - Southern Africa - Botswana
Ecology - Interspecific Relations
White Rhino
In 1987, 4 dead rhino were found and the horns retrieved. One was killed as an immature at Chinga by lions.

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