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Title: Die Verbreitung und der Bestand des zentralafrikanischen Breitmaulnashorns, Ceratotherium simum cottoni (Lydekker, 1908)
Author(s): Schomber, H.W.
Year published: 1966
Journal: Saugetierkundliche Mitteilungen
Volume: 14
Pages: 214-227, figs. 1-4, tables 1-12
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Africa - Eastern Africa - Sudan
Distribution - Records
White Rhino
distribution Ceratotherium simum in SE Sudan.

Africa - Eastern Africa - Sudan
Distribution - Records
White Rhino
For a long time the only record from the extreme west (locality 28) was the one of Mahon in 1910 for the Dar-Fertit district, recorded by Heller 1913. This scarcity of records must be due to the fact that this remote region was seldom visited.

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