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Title: Black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis (L.)): population size and structure in Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania
Author(s): Kiwia, H.D.
Year published: 1989
Journal: African Journal of Ecology
Volume: 27
Pages: 1-6, fig.1, tables 1-2
File: View PDF: 317,4 kb
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Africa - Eastern Africa - Tanzania
Ecology - Census Methods
Black Rhino
All individual black rhinoceros in the Crater were photographed at close range, on both sides, and identified using various morphological characteristics. The photographs of each individual were mounted on an index card, below which a detailed description of the individual was written. Some of ...

Africa - Eastern Africa - Tanzania
Black Rhino
Ngorongoro, Tanzania. The intercalving interval of two known females in the area was observed to be 27-28 months. Goddard (1967a) reported an intercalving interval of 27 months.

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