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Title: Resource partitioning between the five major grazing ungulates in the Umfolozi Game Rserve, Natal
Author(s): Emslie, R.H.
Year published: 1985
Journal: South African Journal of Science
Volume: 81
Pages: 698-699
File: View PDF: 272,2 kb
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Ecology - Food
White Rhino
Umfolozi, South Africa - resource partitioning. The degrees of dietary separation between white rhinoceros, buffalo, zebra, wildebeest and impala were examined in the 1983/84 wet season in an attempt to shed some light on how these species coexist. Feeding patches were defined (using a 0.25 m? ...

Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Ecology - Food
White Rhino
Umfolozi, South Africa - resource partitioning. The degrees of dietary separation between white rhinoceros, buffalo, zebra, wildebeest and impala were examined in the 1983/84 wet season in an attempt to shed some light on how these species coexist. Feeding patches were defined (using a 0.25 m? ...

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