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Title: Hunting the elephant in Africa and other recollections of thirteen years' wanderings
Author(s): Stigand, C.H.
Year published: 1913
Publisher: London, MacMillan
Volume: -
Pages: pp. i-xv, 1-379
File: View PDF: 1,6 mb
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Categories and original text of this Reference:

Africa - Southern Africa - Zambia
Behaviour - Towards Man
African Rhino Species
Whilst hunting near Lake Bangweolo I followed one for the greater part of the day, and finally crept up, closely followed by the faithful Matola, within five yards of where he lay, heavily breathing in thick grass. Even then it was so thick that I could not see him properly, and bungled the shot...

Africa - Eastern Africa - Kenya
Black Rhino
Kenya - absence of tail. In the same country a rhino suddenly started up and came rushing towards us. When we shouted at him he thought better of it and turned round to make off, disclosing the fact that he had no tail. This seemed to tickle the porters very much, and as he disappeared with hi...

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