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MacDonell, J.C., 1929. Early days of forestry in India. Empire Forestry Journal 8: 85-97
Location: Asia - South Asia - India
Subject: Distribution
Species: Indian Rhino

Original text on this topic:
J.C. McDonell, in Jalpaiguri 1875-1877 - [87] I had one or two curious adventures in Jalpaiguri with my elephants. I was riding one, on a pad, not a howdah, through a thick piece of grass on the edge of a forest when we came to a big patch of wild cardamums about 15 feet high. The elephant forced her way through and emerged into a small open swamp, and there was a female rhino with her young ones. Both the elephant and rhino were seized with panic and bolted in opposite directions. -
McDonell, J.C., 1929. Early days of forestry in India. Empire Forestry Journal 8 (1): 85-97

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