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Palmer, D., 1992. Science: Stocky rhinos confound the zoologists. New Scientist 4 July 1992: 19

Location: Africa
Subject: Conservation
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Rhinoceros leg bones are much stronger than they need to be, say two
zoologists who have tested the bones of a white rhinoceros that died recently
at Whipsnade Zoo. The finding has important implications for studies of
dinosaurs’ bones: it may overturn the palaeontologists’ assumption that
the weight of a dinosaur was simply related to the maximum stress its leg
bones could tolerate.

Robin McNeil Alexander of the University of Leeds and Caroline Pond
of the Open University measured leg-bone sections of the white rhinoceros
(Ceratotherium simum). From film of a rhino trotting and galloping they
calculated the stresses which occur in the leg bones of a running rhinoceros.
They concluded that the legs of these animals provide an unusually high
margin of safety (Journal of Zoology, vol 227, p 63).

Rhinos, along with elephants and hippos, are the heaviest of all living
land animals, weighing about 2200, 5000 and 1500 kilograms respectively.
Such heavy bodies would seem to require very thick legs as supports, but
McNeil Alexander and Pond question this assumption. They point out that
the legs of giraffes are not especially thick, although their mass – about
1200 kilograms – is little different from a hippo’s.

Over the past decade, McNeil Alexander has shown that an elephant’s
mass severely limits its running speed. In the same way, the mass of the
even larger dinosaurs limited their maximum running speeds.

Elephants can manage only a slow run of about 5 metres per second if
the stresses in their relatively long legs are to be kept within acceptable
limits by a rather straight-legged gait. The maximum speed of the largest
dinosaurs probably did not exceed that of a human’s fast walk.

By comparison, the rhino has short thick legs with bones strong enough
and muscles powerful enough to achieve speeds of up to 7.5 metres per second.
This is slightly above the maximum recorded speed for a buffalo, 7 metres
per second, but considerably less than the giraffe’s 11 metres per second.

McNeil Alexander and Pond calculated that the stresses in a rhino’s
leg bones while it is trotting are significantly lower than those in the
bones of buffalo, but similar to those in the bones of a cantering horse.

The two biologists concluded that low stresses in rhino leg bones may
imply that their skeletons are built to unusually high margins of safety.
However, the researchers do not know why.

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