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Giorgi, A.A., 1762. Alphabetum Tibetanum missionum apostolicarum commodo editum. Romae, Sacrae Congregationis

Location: Asia - South Asia - Nepal
Subject: Distribution
Species: Indian Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Regmi 1961:82 Georgi, description of terai of Mackwanpur. ""One crosses after this on the territory of the Rajah of Mackwanpur, and through a thick forest of 28 thousand paces in width, and 100 in length from east to west; elephants, rhinoceros, togers and bisons roam in there."" - Levi, I, p.120, (Georgi's compilation)" Augustino Antonio Giorgi (1711-1797) – Makwanpur is district between Chitwan and Kathmandu
Levi 1905:120 "1750s. P.Georgi, Italian Augustin monk, comments on travels in southern Nepal by missionaries in Lhasa (Alphabetum Tibetanum, 1762). ""On passe ensuite sur le territoire du raja de Maquampur: on traverse une forêt épaisse large de 28 mille pas, longue de 100 de l’E. à l’O. ; les éléphants, les rhinocéros, les tigres, les buffles y gîtent, et bien d'autres bêtes sauvages, si bien qu'on y court risque de mort." Augustino Antonio Giorgi 1711-1797

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