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MacFarlane, H., 1900. Sportsmen in purple. Badminton Magazine of Sports and Pastimes 11: 522-528

Location: Asia - South Asia - India
Subject: Distribution
Species: Indian Rhino

Original text on this topic:
[527] The Count of Turin, the nephew of King Humbert, last year enjoyed some sport in the Far East, the thought of which must have caused that sporting monarch a pang of envy. In Ceylon, during January, the Count and party bagged in one season a brace of elephants, five buffaloes and a dozen crocodiles ; during a sojourn at Darjeeling two bears, a couple of leopards and a tiger contributed to the already bulky receptacle ; and a six-weeks shoot, under the auspices of the Maharajah of Cooch-Behar, further augmented it to the extent of twenty-five buffaloes, seven rhinoceroses, a black leopard and other small
game. In Assam the Royal sportsmen killed three rhinoceroses, seven buffaloes, a bison and two stags.

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