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Agra Messenger, 1851. Escape of rhinoceros at Muttra, 5 March 1851. Indian News and Chronicle of Eastern Affairs no. 208 (1851 April 17): 172

Location: Asia - South Asia - India
Subject: Captivity
Species: Indian Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Muttra [=Mathura], March 5.-"To-night this loveliest village of the plain has been thrown into a state of excitement by the escape of a rhinoceros, belonging to the well-known Arab merchant Zyn-ool-Addeen, which had been brought here, with a view to being sold to the Seth Luckmee Chund. It had not proceeded more than 200 yards from its place of confinement before it destroyed an unfortunate traveller, who from age and decrepitude was unable to get out of its way. A cry was soon abroad that a wild and dangerous animal was ranging the roads, and shortly after M. Balmain, of the 9th Cavalry, a well-known lover of sport, was in pursuit, rifle in hand. He succeeded in delivering two balls fully and fairly into the head of the beast, but as is sometimes the case with animals who rank far higher in the intellectual scale, that appeared by no means the most susceptible, and goodman Rhinoceros proceeded with apparently no inconvenience. It was finally secured in a stable yard, in most dangerous proximity to the city, but without doing further mischief. The panic was soon over, but of course the nerves of the station remained for some time in an excitable state, and I am informed that when the evening gun exploded rather a general impression prevailed in all bungalows that β€˜the rhinoceros was coming.’”— Agra Messenger, March 8, 1851

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