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Anonymous, 1871. Baroda - how we got there, and what we saw. Once a Week (n.s.) no.195, 1871 September 23: 280-284

Location: Asia - South Asia - India
Subject: Captivity
Species: Indian Rhino

Original text on this topic:
[283] The most exciting fight has yet to come —viz., one between two rhinoceroses. They are no sooner let loose in the arena than they go straight at each other, using their horns nobly for half an hour or so. Poor beasts !—they are bleeding at the neck, and look exhausted, so we are glad to see men rush in with fireworks to separate them, in which they succeed, but not without considerable risk. One rhinoceros charges a man, who, as may be supposed, runs as quickly as he ever ran in his life, but not fast enough to prevent his being tossed. He is on the ground, the beast passes him, and, as soon as he is able, turns to make a second charge. But, fortunately, the wounded man has been dragged into one of the holes. This ends this day's performance, which is fortunate, as the ladies have seen enough, and vow that never again will they be present to witness such sport; but have promised to see the cheetah hunt to-morrow, which, they are assured, will not be such a shock for their feelings.

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