Sclater, P.L., 1872. British Association: the new rhinoceros. Times (London) Monday 1872 August 19: 5
Location: |
Asia - South Asia - Bangladesh |
Subject: |
Taxonomy |
Species: |
Sumatran Rhino |
In the department of Zoology and Botany of the same Section, Dr. P.L. Sclater, the Secretary to the Zoological Society of London, read a paper on a new Asiatic rhinoceros. On the 14th of February the society received at the gardens in the Regent's Park a female two-horned rhinoceros, which had been taken near Chittagong by Captain Hood four years previously. The animal was at first believed by the writer and others to be an example of the Rhinoceros sumatrensis of Cuvier, that being the only species of two-horned rhinoceros recognised by naturalists. The acquisition of a female of the veritable Sumatran Rhinoceros from malacca had enabled Dr. Sclater to decide that the first named belonged to a different species, which he proposed to call Rhinoceros lasiotis, on account of its most obvious external peculiarity, the long hairs which fringe the ears. He considered that there are now six well-defined species of rhinoceros, of which four belonged to the Asiatic and two to the African group.