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Bombay Gazette, 1866. A visit to an Indian Prince's menagerie. Glasgow Herald 1866 March 31: 3

Location: Asia - South Asia - India
Subject: Captivity
Species: Indian Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Visit to the menagerie of the Guicowar of Baroda by correspondent of Bombay Gazette in February 1866. - After doing the Tigers, we proceeded to do the rhinoceros or unicorn of Scripture. His Highness processes three of these amiable creatures. The biggest is a veteran, and his stump of the horn shows signs of having done good service in many an encounter. I believe the best fight is between an elephant and rhinoceros, but they are never allowed to proceed to extremities. The carcass of the largest of the latter animals here is nearly as big as that of an ordinarily elephant, but he does not stand more than 5 feet high. One of his confreres is nearly as large, and very quiet; he has a horn about a foot and 1/2 long and about 15 inches in circumference. The third is quite a bachcha, that has not been here long. He is very good tempered, though stolid.

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