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Thackeray, E., 1916. Reminiscences of the Indian mutiny (1857-58) and Afghanistan (1879). London, Smith, Elder, pp. i-vi, 1-181

Location: Asia - South Asia - India
Subject: Distribution
Species: Indian Rhino

Original text on this topic:
[164] In traveling up the Brahmapootra River from Goalundo to Dibrogurh the steamers formerly stopped at Goalpara, Gowhatty, and Terpore. At Goalpara there is a fine view extending for many miles over the river and forests. The district on the side of the river opposite to the station was formerly considered the best shooting district in India. At the time of which I am writing, it abounded with tigers, rhinoceros, elephants, deer, and buffaloes, and I believe the quantity of large game has not greatly diminished.
[164] During the time I was stationed at Dibrogarh I shot several buffaloes, but never saw a rhinoceros, although their tracks were sometimes met with.
[164-165] Major K- at Sudiya was beating a dense patch of jungle in which it was thought there was a rhinoceros. (He fired at the elephant by mistake)

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