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Everett, I., 1853. Observations on India, by a resident there many years. London, John Chapman, pp. i-vii, 1-178

Location: Asia - South Asia - India
Subject: Distribution
Species: Asian Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
Everett, I., 1853. Observations on India, by a resident there many years. London, John Chapman, pp. i-vii, 1-178
[[63] The soil of Saugor is not, as has been stated, a loose sand, but a stiff clay, like the rest of Bengal, I have seen. The rice crops on it are most abundant; but the plantains, and cocoa-nut trees, do not, as yet, thrive well there. The wild animals are not many : besides tigers and deer, there are the common small monkey of Bengal, and Hindostan (Papio rhesus), and, very rarely, the rhinoceros.

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