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Verney, E.H., 1862. The Shannon's brigade in India, some account of sir W. Peel's naval brigade in the Indian campaign of 1857-1858. London, Saunders, Otley, pp.1-153

Location: Asia - South Asia - India
Subject: Captivity
Species: Indian Rhino

Original text on this topic:
[p.122] March 26th. - I rode down to the Residency to-day. .A palace stands on the banks of the Goomtee called the Chutta Munzil, consisting of the usual conglomeration of courts, gardens, and rooms full of chandeliers ; and through this a straight road has been cut to the Bailey Guard Gate of the Residency.
March 27 th [1858]. - There is a wonderful rhinoceros in the camp, the property of the 53rd ; he was found in Lucknow and is very tame; every day he is driven to a well to drink, guided by little taps from a twig which one would have thought could hardly have been felt through his thick hide: if, however, any one ventures to do more than touch him very lightly with it, he at once gets angry. He is very old, poor fellow, and suffers from some sort of ophthalmia, which has rendered him all but blind.

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