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Ruggles, J., 1906. Recollections of a Lucknow veteran, 1845-1876. London, Longmans & Co: pp. i-xv, 1-185

Location: Asia - South Asia - India - West Bengal
Subject: Distribution
Species: Indian Rhino

Original text on this topic:
P.144 From Buxa (near Jalpaiguri) going to tabzee (towards Bhutan capital) –
An incident showing how sagacious the elephant is occurred while at Tabzee. A shooting expedition was got up to search the jungle at the foot of the hills, with the possibility of getting a rhinoceros, which the commanding officer succeeded in doing.
While the elephants were beating through the high grass, one of the sportsmen, a doctor, in pulling out his handkerchief, pulled with it a fifty rupee note, which fluttered away. Search was made without success, but on their return later in the day one of the elephants suddenly stopped. The mahout spoke to him ; he then stretched out his trunk, lifted from the bottom of the grass a piece of paper and gave it to the driver. This turned out to be the fifty rupee note.

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