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Shillingford, J., 1871. Sport in lower Bengal. Allen's Indian mail and register of intelligence for British and foreign India 30 May 1871: 513

Location: Asia - South Asia - India - Ganges valley
Subject: Distribution
Species: Indian Rhino

Original text on this topic:
SPORT IN LOWER BENGAL. .- A correspondent of the Indian Daily News, writing from Purneah, records a splendid hunting tour in the Coosy desert. Equally good sport was met with last year in the same jungles. Here is the bag : - " One rhinoceros, nine tigers, and a cub, two buffaloes, seventy-six deer, forty-two pigs, fourteen partridges, five floricans, ten quails, one snipe, and one hare." The rhinoceros gave a grand chase and afforded great fun. It would have been shot last year but for imprudent firing at buffaloes driving it away. It was found in the same cover.

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