user: pass:

Zhegallo, V.I.; Kalandadze, N.N.; Shapovalov, A.V.; Bessudnova, Z.A.; Noskova, N.G.; Tesakova, E.M., 2002. Ob iskopaemykh nosorogakh elasmoteryakh (s privlecheniem materialov iz kollekzii Geologicheskogo muzeya im. V.I. Vernadskogo RAN) [On extinct rhinoceroses of the genus Elasmotherium (using the specimens of the “V.I. Vernadsky” Geological Museum collections)] [in Russian, English abstr]. VM-Novitates (Novosti iz Geologicheskogo Muzeya im. V.I. Vernadskogo), Moskva; 9: 1-47, figs. 1-6, pls. I-XI

Location: Europe
Subject: Museums
Species: Fossil

Original text on this topic:
The full text with illustrations (pp. 1-39) is available on the site:
Here are the cover and the pages 40-47 (unavailable on the above mentioned site) concerning the list of Elasmotherium material with localities of the find as well as other data.

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