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Here is the quarterly newsletter of the Rhino Resource Center, no. 16, dated 1 August 2009. Edited by Kees Rookmaaker. You can find the full version in PDF format on our website – click here.
RHINO RESOURCE CENTER www.rhinoresourcecenter.com
Dear colleagues and friends,
This is the 16th issue of the quarterly e-newsletter of the RRC – the Rhino Resource Centre. Edited by Dr Kees Rookmaaker.
This is the 16th issue of the quarterly e-newsletter of the RRC – the Rhino Resource Centre. Edited by Dr Kees Rookmaaker.
During the past quarter we have added over 250 new references to books and papers about the five species of rhinos living in Africa and Asia. These include the new studbook for Rhinoceros unicornis kept by the Basel Zoo, as well as six dissertations or theses by students in different countries. The latest issue of Pachyderm (no. 45) was published with a great selection of papers on elephants and rhinos. There are papers issued for the CITES 58th meeting of the Standing Committee, with a detailed paper on current needs in rhino conservation. The staff of Rhino Vision 2020 in India have joined others by making their reports available on the RRC website.
Not a day goes by without changes in the RRC database – check back frequently to see the latest additions. I am grateful to all publishers and authors who have alerted me to new publications or send me their articles or dissertations. Contributors are always acknowledged.
Rhino conservation, rhino management and rhino research need to be based on a firm foundation. Policies and action plans can only be effective when based on the best information available. We write about rhinos to tell others about conservation successes, about techniques, about results of field observations. These publications are important because they shape our work and our action. Experts need to know the literature to be able to provide the best advice. The need of the Rhino Resource Center which provides information about literature and available data is immense and obvious. All rhino workers must know what has happened in the past and what is happening today. It is all available at the click of a mouse anywhere in the world, just by visiting http://www.rhinoresourcecenter.com regularly and browsing all material that is offered, free of charge and constantly updated.
The work of the Rhino Resource Center is supported by International Rhino Foundation and SOS Rhino
The Rhino Resource Center is a very small registered charity. We do not employ any full-time staff to deal with the new publications and the regular requests for information. Most requests for assistance are dealt with in a few days, but with more time we could be even more effective. The RRC has valuable support. We could do far more with just a little more funding which would allow us to employ a staff member full-time to add more data and to provide reviews and summaries of all that is already available. It doesn’t need much – are you willing to contribute to the RRC? It would make a difference to all of us who love to work with and for rhinos across the world.
The Rhino Resource Center is a charity. We do not actively raise funds due to the nature of our work, but need your assistance to provide our service to all rhino lovers worldwide.
Join us. Your support will be acknowledged in our publications and on our website
These are challenging times for all rhinos in the wild. The threat of death is ever imminent, with a manifold increase in poaching and illegal hunting. Funds for conservation actions are dwindling, while the need for protection is ever increasing. Parks where rhinos were considered safe are now under threat. There is no room for complacency – we know what happened to the subspecies of black rhino in western Africa (believed extinct in the past decade), we fear what may happen to the last Northern white rhinos. Rhinos in Asia are already at such minimum levels that their populations would not be able to withstand another onslaught. There is a constant change in trade routes and the demand for rhino horns appears to be spreading and to be increasing rather than to be contained through strategies involving international treaties and enforcement. We must do what we can to save these last pachyderms.
Visit: www.rhinoresourcecenter.com
Visit the website of the Rhino Resource Center for everything about the five species of rhinoceros in Africa, Asia and around the world. Ø There are details of 12,977 references to publications on rhinos Ø Text of 4276 items as PDF, and many others in full text
The International Rhino Keeper Association met from May 17th - 21st, 2009 at Busch Gardens in Tampa, Florida. It was a great meeting with visits to Busch Gardens and Lowry Park zoos, great presentations and much chance to talk in social occasions. Rhino keepers who are not yet a member should look on their website.
NEW LITERATURE (finalised 31 July 2009)
In the past quarter (May to July 2009), we have added 257 new references – that is, just about three per day including weekends.. This brings the total number of items in the database to 12.977. Of course, about a third can be consulted in full. Below I have listed new entries published in the 21st century (and a few special older ones) in four catagories: General, African rhinos, Asian rhinos and Fossil species. If you are interested in one of these titles, always check the RRC website first if it may be available there.
Basel Zoo; Houwald, F.von; Pagan, O.; Rieches, R., 2009. International studbook for the greater one-horned or Indian rhinoceros, Rhinoceros unicornis, 31 December 2008. Basel, Zoologischer Garten, pp. 1-58 . Bitter, B., 2008. Non-invasing reproductive monitoring of six female wild rhino-ceroses (Ceratotherium simum simum). Doctoral thesis presented at the University of Utrecht, pp. 1-27. Charbon, Y.N., 2009. Determining the reproductive status of 3 female free-ranging white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum) by measuring faecal progestagen levels. Project report to Utrecht University: pp. 1-22. Goot, A.C. van der, 2009. An analysis on cyclicity and pregnancy in the southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum) by noninvasive progesterone monitoring using vhf radio telemetry. Master Thesis for the University of Utrecht and the Institute for Breeding Rare and Endangered African Mammals (IBREAM), pp. 1-14. Kim, M.H., 2009. The utility of DNA microsatellite markers in conservation of a Namibian population of the black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis). Kingston, Ontario, Queen's University. Thesis submitted to the Department of Biology for the degree of Master of Science, pp. 1-93. Malek, G., 2009. Inter- und intraspezifische Interaktionen sowie Raumnutzung von Breitmaulnashörnern (Ceratotherium simum) in Gemeinschaftshaltung mit anderen afrikanischen Makroherbivoren. Diplomarbeit vorgelegt zur Erlangung des Grades einer Diplom-Biologin an der Fakultät für Biologie und Biotechnologie der Ruhr-Universität Bochum: pp. 1-81. Tatman, S.C.; Stevens Wood, B.; Smith, V.B.T., 2000. Ranging behaviour and habitat usage in black rhinoceros, Diceros bicornis. M.Sc.Thesis, Manchester Metropolitan University, pp. 1-30.
Barth, V.; Priester, S., 2008. Rendezvous mit einer Rhinozeros-Dame. P.M. History 2008 August: 94-95. Blaszkiewitz, B., 2009. Von Ameisenbar bis Spitzmaulnashorn - Anmerkungen zum Tierbestand 2008 im Zoologischen Garten Berlin. Bongo, Berlin 39: 123-170. Caprio, J., 2009. Spring break: the rhino tour of Ohio. The Crash, April 2009: 2-5. CITES Secretariat, 2009. Rhinoceroses. Report SC58 Doc 37 to CITES Fifty-eighth meeting of the Standing Committee Geneva (Switzerland), 6-10 July 2009, pp. 1-5. Clauss, M.; Hummel, J., 2004. Not only ruminants: indications for differences in digestive physiology between grazing and browsing large hindgut fermenters. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Physiology, Behaviour and Conservation of Wildlife, Berlin 1: 53. Duncan, N.; SAVE Foundation of Australia, 2008. News and events. Newsletter of the SAVE Foundation of Australia 22 (1): 1-12. Duncan, N.; SAVE Foundation of Australia, 2009. News and events. Newsletter of the SAVE Foundation of Australia 22 (2): 1-12. Edwards, K., 2008. Milton’s reformed animals: an early modern bestiary: Rhinoceros. Milton Quarterly 42 (4): 290-294. Fahlman, A., 2008. Advances in wildlife immobilisation and anaesthesia: clinical and physiological evaluation in selected species. Acta Universitatis agriculturae Suecicae 2008: 84: 1-70. Fouche, F.J.; Kotze, D.; Louw, I., 2003. Fingerprinting of ivory and horn through the application of nuclear analytical techniques. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 257 (1): 109-112. Hall, J., 2006. An economic approach to conservation: The Rhino Conservation Act of 2005 [A hypothetical scenario]. Laissez-Faire (Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, Universidad Francisco Morroquin) 24-25: 98-104. Hieronymus, T.; Witmer, T., 2004. Cranial rugosity and dinosaur "horns": rhino and giraffe as model systems for skin resconstruction in fossil taxa. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 24 (3): 70A . Hieronymus, T.; Witmer, T., 2006. From armor to anchor: Character evolution of the skin and horns of rhinos. Integrative and Comparative Biology 45 (6): 1012. International Rhino Keeper Association, 2009. Various notes. The Crash, April 2009: 1-9. IUCN; Traffic; WWF, 2009. Status, conservation and trade in African and Asian rhinoceroses . Report SC58 Inf 10 to CITES Fifty-eighth meeting of the Standing Committee Geneva (Switzerland), 6-10 July 2009, pp. 1-5. Kulke, U., 2008. Zahe Dickhauter. Die Welt Magazin 18 Juni 2008: 10 . Musson, J., 2008. Country house oddities: Lord Bath, rhino horns. Field 311 (7245, April): 42-43. Morell, V., 2008. Into the wild: reintroduced animals face daunting odds. Science 320 (9 May 2008): 742-743. Rookmaaker, L.C., 2009. Review of Ivory markets in the USA, by Esmond Martin and Daniel Stiles. Pachyderm 45: 147. Rookmaaker, L.C., 2009. Chronological register : pp. 570-582 In: Chancellor, G. et al. Charles Darwin's notebooks from the voyage of the Beagle. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press: pp. i-xxxiii, 1-615 . Ryder, O.A., 2009. Rhinoceroses, tapirs, and horses (Perissodactyla). In Hedges, S.B. & Kumar, S., The timetree of life (Oxford University Press): pp. 508-510. Wang Hui, 2008. Study on the prototype of kylin and the moving to south of rhinoceros in ancient chinese history. Journal of Chinese Historical Geography 23 (2): 12-22. Wang Hui, 2009. The ancient character Lin and the prototype of Kylin: also on the reason for Kylin sacramentalized as a holy beast. Journal of Beijing Normal University (Social Sciences) 2009 (2): 64-75. Willerslev, E.; Gilbert, M.; Binladen, J.; Ho, S.; Campos, P.; Ratan, A.; Tomsho, L.; Fonseca, R. da; Sher, A.; Kuznetsova, T.; Nowak-Kemp, M., Roth, T., Miller, W., Schuster, S., 2009. Analysis of complete mitochondrial genomes from extinct and extant rhinoceroses reveals lack of phylogenetic resolution. BMC Evolutionary Biology 9: 1-30.
Anonymous, 2008. All that glitters is not gold - Dublin Zoo introduces a sparkling new method to monitor the rhinos. Dublin Zoo Matters 2008 Spring: 5. Anonymous, 2009. Rhino breaks out - comes home again. Swara 32 (1): 14, fig. 1. Anonymous, 2009. Black rhinos on the brink. African Wildlife News 2009 Spring: 5. Atkinson, M.W.; Kock, M.D., 1999. Calf recruitment and survival in a population of black rhinoceros, Diceros bicornis, in Zimbabwe following immobilization and dehorning. Proceedings of the Wildlife Disease Association Annual Conference 48: 84. Ball, R.L.; Morrow, M.; Magnuson, W.; Hofmeyr, M.; Buss, P., 2005. Comparison of anti-phospholipid antibodies between wild and captive black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis): implications for health and repatriation. Proceedings of the Wildlife Disease Association Annual Conference 54: 175-176. Ball, R.L.; Weatherford, D.; Green, J.; Forker, K.; Christensen, B., 2005. Milk electrolytes as predictors of parturition in captive black (Diceros bicornis) and white (Ceratotherium simum) rhinoceros. Verhandlungsbericht des Internatio-nalen Symposiums uber die Erkrankungen der Zootiere 42: 205. Black rhino range expansion project, 2009. Various notes. BRREP Bulletin 2009 July: 1-4. Blancou, L., 1963. Un rhinoceros africain forestier? Vie des Betes no. 62: 24-27. Brooks, M., 2009. Rapport du Groupe Spécialiste des Rhinos d’Afrique. Pachyderm 45: 8-15. Brooks, M., 2009. African Rhino Specialist Group report. Pachyderm 45: 8-15. Bryk, J.M., 2009. Effect of increased activity on metabolic markers in captive black rhino: a pilot study. Project report to the Ohio State University, pp. 1-21. Capiro, J., 2009. Never too late. Animal Keeper’s Forum 36 (4/5): 171-173. Christensen, B.W.; Troedsson, M.; Young, L.J.; Oliva, M.; Penfold, L.M., 2009. Effects of sociosexual environment on serum testosterone in captive male African rhinoceros. Theriogenology 71: 1105-1111, tables 1-2 . Citino, S.B.; Bush, M., 2007. Reference cardiopulmonary physiologic parameters for standing, unrestrained white rhinoceroses (Ceratotherium simum). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 38 (3): 375-379. David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, 2009. Orphaned rhino baby finds sanctuary in Nairobi. Swara 32 (1): 17, fig. 1. Doherty, J., 2009. A crash of rhino. Knowsley Safari Park News no. 7: 3. Downie, S.; Mavrandonis, L., 2007. Five-year focus on black rhinos. Wildlife Matters (David Shepherd Foundation) no. 31: 8. Galpine, N.J., 2006. Post-release movements of reintroduced white rhinoceros at Mombo, Okavango Delta. CCA Ecological Journal 7: 62-69, figs. 1-5. Henk, D., 2005. The Botswana defence force and the war against poachers in southern Africa. Small Wars and Insurgencies 16 (2): 170-191. Hilsberg, S.; Morkel, P.; Borner, M., 2003. Conservation medicine in action: ongoing investigations into a severe disease outbreak in the Ngorongoro Crater, Tanzania during 2000-2001. Proceedings of the Wildlife Disease Association Annual Conference 52: 37-38. Hofmeyr, M., 2006. Black and white rhino capture in the wild. Proceedings of the North American Veterinary Conference, Orlando Florida 20: 1767-1770. Kemp, Y., 2008. Bowling for rhinos update; Lewa Wildlife Conservancy. The Keeper (American Association of Zoo Keepers, San Diego Chapter) 2008 Winter: 6. Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, 2009. Lewa rhino update. Newsletter Lewa Wildlife Conservancy no. 27: 3 . Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, 2009. [Notes]. Newsletter Lewa Wildlife Conservancy no. 27: 1-12 . Lukas, J., 2007. Rhinos on the move. Karatasi, newsletter of the White Oak Conservation Center: 8, figs. 1-7. Masonde, J., 2008. Zambia's lone white rhino gets company. African Wildlife News 2008 Fall: 3. Miller, M.; Schille, S.; Pancake, C., 2008. Salmonella surveillance in a herd of asymptomatic captive black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) using fecal culture and PCR. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 39 (1): 56-60 .Morar, D.; Tijhaar, E.; Michael, A.L.; Negrea, A.S.; Godfroid, J.; Coetzer, K.J.; Rutten, V.P.M.G., 2005. Development of an elisa for the detection of interferon-gamma asa diagnostic tool for tuberculosis in black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) and white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum). Proceedings of the Wildlife Disease Association Annual Conference 54: 118. Ndlovu, M.; Mundy, P.J., 2009. Browse preference of captive black rhinos at Chipangali Wildlife Orphanage, Zimbabwe. Pachyderm 45: 41-46, tables 1-5. Patton, F., 2009. Near extinct rhino make comeback in Botswana. Swara 32 (2): 32-34, figs. 1-7. Peltier, A., 2009. Flying ranger patrols Congo's Garamba park. Swara 32 (2): 42-43, figs. 1-5. Puettger-Conradt, A., 2006. Nordliche weisse Nashorner (Ceratotherium simum cottoni) in freier Wildbahn ausgerottet. Seevogel (Zeitschrift des Verein Jordsand zum Schutze der Seevogel und der Natur) 29 (2/3): 50-51, figs. 1-3. Rhino Ark, 2006. Various notes. Arkive, the newsletter of the Rhino Ark no. 29: 1-28. Rhino Ark, 2007. Various notes. Arkive, the newsletter of the Rhino Ark no. 31: 1-24. Rhino Ark, 2009. Various notes. Arkive, the newsletter of the Rhino Ark no. 34: 1-20. Robinson, P.; Robinson, J., 2009. History of the D.b. michaeli. www.serengeti.org Sampere, E., 2009. Meet the eyes and ears of Lewa (John Pameri Tajeuma). Swara 32 (1): 44, fig. 1. Sos, E.; Molnar, V.; Hermes, R.; Schwarzenberger, F.; Mezos, L.; Kacskovic, I.; Hildebrandt, T.B.; Walzer, C.; Goeritz, F.; Silinski, S., 2006. Pregnancy monitoring and a parturition emergency plan of a southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum). Proceedings of the European Associaton of Zoo- and Wildlife Veterinarians 6: 1-6. Steinmetz, H.W.; Eulenberger, U.; Riond, B.; Schwarzwald, C.; Hatt, J.M., 2009. Succesful treatment of a Streptococcus meningoencephalitis in a black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis michaeli). Proceedings of the international conference on diseases of zoo and wild animals 2009: 132-133. Steyn, P., 2002. Popular environmental struggles in South Africa, 1972-1992. Historia 47 (1): 125-158. Swart, J.; Hearne, J.W.; Goodman, P., 1990. A conservation model for black rhino. System Dynamics '90, 1: 1128-1136. Torchio, P., 2009. Rhino charge. Swara 32 (2): 44-45, figs. 1-7. Ucova, S., 2009. Otaznik nad budoucnosti: nosorozce tuponoseho severniho. Ochrana Prirody 2009 (2): 22-23. Vahala, J.; Kase, F.; Ryder, O.A., 1994. Haematological and biochemical values of the blood and blood serum of captive northern white rhinoceroses (Ceratotherium simum cottoni). Acta Veterinaria Brno 63: 99-102. Vigne, L., 2009. Review of Rhinoceros, by Kelly Enright. Pachyderm 45: 145-146. Wallace, R.S.; Clyde, V.L.; Steinberg, H., 2009. Coccidioidomycosis in a black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 40 (2): 365-368. Wenger, S.; Boardman, W.; Buss, P.; Govender, D.; Foggin, C., 2007. The cardiopulmonary effects of etorphine, azaperone, detomidine, and butorphanol in field-anesthetized white rhinoceroses (Ceratotherium simum). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 38 (3): 380-387.
Acharya, D., 2009. Daily rhino count in the offing. Buried carcasses of 19 rhinos found. Conservation Watch - Nepal 1 (23): 1-3. Acharya, D., 2009. External mechanisms needs to be bolstered. Conservation Watch - Nepal 1 (24): 1-2. Agil, M.; Supriatna, I.; Purwantara, B., 2004. Semen collection in the Sumatran rhino (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis, Fischer 1814) for breeding attempt to sustain biodiversity. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Physiology, Behaviour and Conservation of Wildlife, Berlin 1: 20. Anonymous, 2008. Rhinoceros horn carving collector Mr Thomas Fok [in Chinese]. All 2008 (4): 48-51. Anonymous, 1997. Annotated bibliographies of completed studies 1941-1995 [on Malaysian mammals]. Journal of Wildlife and Parks (Malaysia) 15: 1-88. Asian Rhino Project; Crosbie, K., 2004. Newsletter of the Asian Rhino Project no. 1 (July 2004): 1-8. Asian Rhino Project; Crosbie, K., 2005. Newsletter of the Asian Rhino Project nos. 2 to 5.. Asian Rhino Project; Crosbie, K., 2006. Newsletter of the Asian Rhino Project nos. 6 to 9. Asian Rhino Project; Crosbie, K., 2007. Newsletter of the Asian Rhino Project nos. 10 to 13. Asian Rhino Project; Crosbie, K., 2008. Newsletter of the Asian Rhino Project nos. 14 to 15.. Asian Rhino Project; Crosbie, K., 2008. The Rhino Print (Newsletter of the Asian Rhino Project) no. 1 (August 2008): 1-12. Asian Rhino Project; Crosbie, K., 2008. The Rhino Print (Newsletter of the Asian Rhino Project) no. 2 (November 2008): 1-18. Asian Rhino Project; Crosbie, K., 2009. The Rhino Print (Newsletter of the Asian Rhino Project) no. 3 (February 2009): 1-18. Asian Rhino Project; Crosbie, K., 2009. The Rhino Print (Newsletter of the Asian Rhino Project) no. 4 (May 2009): 1-18. Bahuguna, N.C.; Mallick, J.K., 2004. Ungulates of West Bengal and its adjoining areas including Sikkim, Bhutan and Bangladesh. Envis Bulletin, Dehradun 7 (1): [1-15]. Bes, L., 2008. Bogus sadhus and famous rhinos: early-modern Dutch scholars, artists, and missionaries on South Asia. IIAS Newsletter 48: 22-23. Bonal, B.S.; Sharma, A.; Dutta, D.K.; Swargowari, A.; Bhobora, C.R., 2008. An account of the released rhinos in Manas National Park, Assam (April - September 2008). Report to WWF India (Indian Rhino Vision 2020): pp. 1-13. Bonal, B.S.; Talukdar, B.K.; Sharma, A., 2008. Indian Rhino Vision (IRV) 2020 - Training cum translocation of rhinos within Assam, the first phase. Report to IRF: pp. 1-8. Bonal, B.S.; Talukdar, B.K.; Sharma, A., 2009. Translocation of rhino in Assam. Tigerpaper 36 (1): 7-12. Bonal, B.S.; Sharma, A., 2009. The first translocation operations within Assam - Pobitora WLS to Manas NP - A photographic presentation. Presentation prepared for Translocation Core Committee, Assam: pp. 1-33. Bonal, B.S.; Sharma, A.; Dutta, D.K.; Swargowari, A.; Bhobora, C.R., 2009. An account of the released rhinos in Manas National Park, Assam (October 2008 - March 2009). Report to WWF India (Indian Rhino Vision 2020): pp. 1-8. Borthakur, U.; Dutta, J., 2008. Non-invasive population genetic monitoring of Indian Rhino in Assam. The Rhino Print (Newsletter of the Asian Rhino Project) no. 1 (August 2008): 4-5. Borthakur, U., 2009. Non-invasive Population Genetic Monitoring of Indian Rhino in Assam: A pilot study to standardise protocols for dung DNA analysis. The Rhino Print (Newsletter of the Asian Rhino Project) no. 4 (May 2009): 6-7. Brook, S., 2009. Increasing enforcement within Cat Loc (Cat Tien National Park, Vietnam) for the protection of Javan Rhinoceros and other globally threatened species. The Rhino Print (Newsletter of the Asian Rhino Project) no. 4 (May 2009): 3. Crawfurd, J., 2002. Quadrupeds and other animals of Burma (from the Journal of an embassy, 1827). SOAS Bulletin of Burma Research 3 (2): 530-533. Du, Yan-yan; Jia, Qian, 2008. Proposal on protecting and sustainable use of Rhinoceros [in Chinese]. Resource Development & Market 24 (9): 825-826. Endo, H.; Taru, H.; Hayashida, A.; Kimura, J.; Itou, T.; Koie, H.; Sakai, T., 2009. Absence of the guttural pouch in a newborn Indian rhinoceros demonstrated by three-dimensional image observations. Mammal Study 34 (1): 7-11 . Ghosh, C., 2007. Rhino-fodders in Jaldapara Wildlife Sanctuary in Duars of West Bengal, India. Our Nature 5: 14-20, figs. 1-2, tabs. 1-5. Hashim, A.K.A., 1998. Potential threats to Sumatran rhinoceros population in Belum Valley. Journal of Wildlife and Parks (Malaysia) 16: 156-157. Inov, S., 2009. Rhino Protection Unit Community Outreach Activity to Protect Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park. The Rhino Print (Newsletter of the Asian Rhino Project) no. 3 (February 2009): 9. Kalra, M.; Sinha, S.P., 2004. Reintroduction and rehabilitation of rhinoceros in the sub Himalayan Terai grasslands, India. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Physiology, Behaviour and Conservation of Wildlife, Berlin 1: 135. Kandel, R.C.; Jhala, Y.V., 2008. Demographic structure, activity patterns, habitat use and food habits of Rhinoceros unicornis in Chitwan National Park, Nepal. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 105 (1): 5-13, fogs. 1-6, tabs. 1-3. Kassim, H., 1993. Distribution of large mammal in Tasek Kenyir Taman Negara Terengganu. Journal of Wildlife and Parks (Malaysia) 12: 22-24. Kawanishi, K.; Sahak, A.M.; Sunquist, M., 1999. Preliminary analysis on abundance of large mammals at Sungai Relau, Taman Negara. Journal of Wildlife and Parks (Malaysia) 17: 62-82. Kock, R.; Amin, R.; Lindsay, N., 2009. Crisis to biological management: Rhinoceros, grassland and public engagement Nepal Darwin Initiative Project 2007-2010: pp. 16-17 In: Basel Zoo, International studbook for the greater one-horned or Indian rhinoceros, Rhinoceros unicornis, 31 December 2008. Basel, Zoologischer Garten.. Kock, R.; Amin, R.; Subedi, N., 2009. Postscript: Rogue army staff involved in poaching in Bardia National Park, Nepal, 2007-2008. Pachyderm 45: 119-120. Kretzschmar, P.; Sipangkui, R.; Schaffer, N.E., 2009. Eye disorders in captive Sumatran rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis harrissoni) in Sabah, Malaysia. Proceedings of the international conference on diseases of zoo and wild animals 2009: 236-242, figs. 1-6. Maas, B., 2007. Emergency mission to save Nepal's rhinos. Care for the Wild Times Winter 2007: 10. Maas, B., 2008. Rhino comeback in Nepal. Care for the Wild Times Winter 2008: 3. Mainali, K.P., 2005. Sharp decline in Nepal's rhino population. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 3 (5): 239. Martin, E.B.; Martin, C.; Vigne, L., 2009. Recent political disturbances in Nepal threaten rhinos: lessons to be learned. Pachyderm 45: 98-107, figs. 1-5. Mathur, P.; Lehmkuhl, J.F.; Sawarkar, V.B., 2002. Management of Forests in India for Biological Diversity and Forest Productivity: A new Perspective. Vol. 2: Wildlife-Habitat Relationships (WHR) in Conservation Areas. Dehradun, Wildlife Institute of India. Matsuo, K.; Sumiya, G., 2005. Anoplocephala sp. from the Indian Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis) in Higashiyama Zoo, Japan [in Japanese]. Japanese Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 10 (2): 95-98. Noordin, Sharuddin, 1998. Potential threats of poaching of large mammals in Belum and Taman Negara. Journal of Wildlife and Parks (Malaysia) 16: 135-138. Nor, Burhanuddin H.M.; Kassim, H.; Sun, S.; Othman, S., 1995. A survey on the distribution of large mammals in Endau Rompin State Park, Johor. Journal of Wildlife and Parks (Malaysia) 14: 16-25, figs. 1-2m tables 1-3. Nor, Burhanuddin H.M.; Jani, Z.; Hasan, K., 1998. A preliminary analysis on large mammals distribution patterns and habitats in Johore from 1992-1998. Journal of Wildlife and Parks (Malaysia) 16: 110-119. Ochs, A., 2009. Zyklopie - eine seltene Missbildung und erstmalige Beschreibung ihres Vorkommens beim Panzernashorn (Rhinoceros unicornis) im Zoo Berlin. Bongo, Berlin 39: 17-26, figs. 1-8 . Pal, B.C.; Bhattacharyya, A., 1982. Wallowing behaviour and wallows used by Great Indian one-horned rhinoceros at Garumara and Jaldapara wildlife sanctuaries, West Bengal, India. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of Calcutta 35: 79-83, fig. 1, tabs. 1-2. Phumparkpan, N.; Kutintara, U., 1984. Wild fauna of Thung Yai Nare-Suan. Thai Journal of Forestry 3: 17-68. Rhino Care Indonesia, 2009. Various notes on Javan rhinos. e-Newsletter of Rhino Care no. 1: 1-3. Roth, T.L., 2004. Saving rhinos with science at the Cincinnati Zoo. CBSG News 15 (2): 23. Sarma, P.K., 2009. Spatial modeling and preparation of decision support system for conservation of biological diversity in Orang National Park, Assam, India. The Rhino Print (Newsletter of the Asian Rhino Project) no. 3 (February 2009): 4-5. Sarma, P.K., 2009. Spatial modeling and preparation of decision support system for conservation of biological diversity in Orang National Park, Assam, India. The Rhino Print (Newsletter of the Asian Rhino Project) no. 4 (May 2009): 4-5. Shariff, K.M.; Othman, K.; Rashdi A.M.; Khan, A.R., 1985. Preliminary observations on a Sumatran rhinoceros in Air Keroh Zoo Malacca. Journal of Wildlife and Parks (Malaysia) 3: 48-54. Sharma, D.C., 2006. Relocation planned for one-horned rhino. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 4 (3): 120. Sharma, D.C., 2009. Dispatches: Assam rhino population on the rise. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 7 (5): 237. Simpson, D., 2009. San Diego Zoo: [Ficus for Sumatran rhino in Cincinnati]. International Zoo News 56 (3): 182-183. Sinha, S.P., 2004. The Great indian one-horned rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis Linnaeus, 1758). Envis Bulletin, Dehradun 7 (1): [1-8]. Sullivan, N., 2008. A Sumatran rhino story. The Rhino Print (Newsletter of the Asian Rhino Project) no. 2 (November 2008): 4-5. Sun Gang; Jin Kun; Wang Zhentang, 1998. A spatio-temporal model of rhinoceros extinction in China. Journal of Forestry Research 9 (2): 129-130, figs. 1-2. Suri, M.S.M., 1990. Sumatran rhinoceros survey in the Upper Sungai Selama, Perak. Journal of Wildlife and Parks (Malaysia) 9: 103-111. Talukdar, B.K., 2007. The rise and fall of India's tigers and rhinos. Wildlife Matters (David Shepherd Foundation) no. 31: 9. Talukdar, B.K., 2009. Asian Rhino Specialist Group report. Pachyderm 45: 16-19. Talukdar, B.K., 2009. Rapport du Groupe Spécialiste des Rhinos d’Asie. Pachyderm 45: 16-19. Talukdar, B.K., 2009. Report on the current status of Rhinoceros unicornis: pp. 5-14 In: Basel Zoo, International studbook for the greater one-horned or Indian rhinoceros, Rhinoceros unicornis, 31 December 2008. Basel, Zoologischer Garten.. Thapa, K.; Williams, A.C.; Khaling, S.; Bajimaya, S., 2009. 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Contact us:
Rhino Resource Center Dr Kees Rookmaaker
c/o IUCN Species Survival Programme 219c Huntingdon Road Cambridge CB3 0DL United Kingdom
Kees Rookmaaker is a member of the IUCN-SSC Asian Rhino Specialist Group and advisor to the EAZA Rhino TAG. Willem van Strien is webmaster of the Rhino Resource Center.