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Gray, J.E., 1868. Letter to Charles Darwin, 6 February 1868: pp. 77-78

In: Burkhardt, F. et al. The correspondence of Charles Darwin: January - June 1868. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press: vol. 16 (parts 1-2), pp. i-xlvi, 1-604, i-iv, 605-1252

Location: Asia
Subject: Taxonomy
Species: Asian Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
Brit. Mus

Feb 6 1868

My Dear Darwin

Nathusius is not in any of the London Libraries I have sent to the Royal Zoological, Linnean, & our own without effect— I should like to see your copy1 I will not keep it more than a week, so that your carrier can call for it again.2

It is too late for me to refer to it I fear, but as the subject is fresh in my head, it would be interesting to see it3 I find the skull of all the Domestic Pig from different countries & breeds very much alike

You make so few references to the Knowsley Menagery & my monograph of Ungulates in the Museum Catalogue that I suspect you have not the [facility] of refering to it.4 I will send a copy of the work back by your carrier when he comes on Thursday.

I wish there were more references to the present state of Zoology, founded on the examination of Specimens & I think you would have found that Mr Blyth poor man is scarcely trustworthy about cats, &c &c, especially since his malady—5 He came here the other day when I had a set of the skulls of Indian or rather asiatic Rhinocerates on the table He said at once this is R. Indicus that R sondaicus, when all he was looking at were R Indicus the set of R. Sondaicus being on the other table which he had not seen.6

It is the same with respect to Felis chaus he say the Indian one in the Garden is exactly like the F Chaus of Egypt., they are unlike in skull, sizes of eyes Tail &c as can be, the Indian chaus been the same as F caffer & F caligulata which are all one species—7

Ever Yours sincerely | J. E Gray

You do not seem to be aware of the African Zebu Bos dante which is the Zebu of Egypt—8 figured in the [Hyeroglifics] & still found in W Africa

You mention instances of insanity be Heredittary9 It is doubtless so but some cases shew a curiously [illeg]

I knew & indeed had some things to do with them, as the 3 children of a dead friend. The Husbands of two of the sisters, died insane the third sister died insane or Idiotic, unmarried.

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