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Varthema, L. di, 1577. The history of travayle in the West and East Indies, and other countreys lying eyther way, towardes the fruitfull and ryche Moluccas. Gathered in parte, and done into Englyshe by Richard Eden, newly set in order, augmented and finished by Richard Wiles. London, Richard Iugge, pp. i-x, 1-466

Location: Asia
Subject: Text as original
Species: Asian Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
Of the Unicorns of the temple of Mecha, whiche are not seene in any other place. Cap. 19
On another part of the temple are parkes or places inclosed, where are seene two Unicorns,named of the Greekes Monocerotae, and are there shewed to the people for a myracle, and not without good reason, for the seldomnesse and strange nature. The one of them, which is much hygher then the other, yet not muche unlyke to a colte of thyrtye monethes of age, in the forehead groweth only one horne, in maner ryght foorth, of the length of three cubites. The other is much younger, of the age of one yeere, and lyke a young colte: the horne of this, is of the length of foure handfuls. This beast is of the coloure of a horse of weesell coloure, and hath the head lyke an Hart, but no long necke, a thyne mane hangyng onlye on the one syde: theyr legges are thyn and slender, lyke a fawne or hynde: the hoofes of the fore feete are divided in two, much like the feete of a goat, the outwarde part of the hynder feete is very full of heare. This beast doubtlesse seemeth wylde and fierce, yet tempereth that fiercenesse with a certaine comelinesse. These Unicornes one gave to the Soltan of Mecha, as a most precious and rare gyfte. They were sent hym out of Ethiope by a kyng of that countrey, who desired by that present to gratifie the Soltan of Mecha.

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