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Wilson, A., 1924. Sport and service in Assam and elsewhere. London, Hutchinson and Co, pp. 1-320

Location: Asia - South Asia - India
Subject: Distribution
Species: Asian Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
aphrodisiac. Poaching. Most game reserves in Britsih india are happy hunting grounds for the natives if they can afford to bribe the watchers, for the rewards given for the detention of poachers are so small. In one of the rhinoceros sanctuaries in Assam, the reward given for a conviction of killing one of these beasts was about 30 rupees, or 2 pounds. A dead rhinoceros is worth several hundred rupees to a native, as his horn is worth its weight in silver, and every bit of his meat, including his entrails, is supposed to be an infallible aphrodisiac, so the poacher who killed one could easily afford to pay the amount of the Government reward to any potential witnesses and yet be well in pocket, for those who got the precious meat would not likely to give him away.

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