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Anderson, J., 1872. Notes on Rhinoceros sumatrensis, Cuvier. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1872 February 6: 129-132

Location: Asia - South Asia - India
Subject: Morphology
Species: Sumatran Rhino

Original text on this topic:
[Female shown in Calcutta 1872 in transit to London] On the upper half of the trunk the bristles posterior to the shoulder-fold are almost white in some lights, with a rufous tint in others, while those anterior to the shoulder-fold are dark brown; on the lower half of the trunk and on the limbs they are black, and on the sides of the belly and over the wrist and heel they are depressed and somewhat early; on the neck and head they are shorter and almost white. The hairs on the two margins of the lower third of the tail increase in length from above downwards, the apical hairs being about six inches in length, black at the base, and dark brown throughout the rest of their extent; the upper two thirds of the tail are covered with light-coloured bristles.

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