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Pocock, R.I., 1912. The Zoological Society (The death of two rhinoceroses; measurements of Indian rhinoceroses; some characters of rhinoceroses; the King's collection of Indian animals). Field 119 (3082), 20 January 1912: 143, figs. 1-5

Location: World
Subject: Taxonomy
Species: Sumatran Rhino

Original text on this topic:
On geographic grounds one would expect the Sumatran species to be more nearly related to the other Asiatic than to the African types. And this is the case. The better-known distinguishing points between the two categories of Asiatic species are supplied by the number of horns, the development of skin-folds, and the structure of the intestines; but these are supplemented by a negative character discovered by Messrs Beddard and Treves, namely, the absence in the Sumatran rhinoceros of the foot gland which was originally discovered by Owen in the Indian species, and was subsequently found in the Javan animal.

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