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Baur, B.; Studer, P., 1995. Inbreeding in captive Indian rhinoceros Rhinoceros unicornis. International Zoo Yearbook 34: 205-211, figs. 1-2, table 1

Location: World
Subject: Genetics
Species: Indian Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Inbreeding and Juvenile Mortality. In captive population Rhinoceros unicornis, 1981-1990
Independent of parity, inbred and non-inbed animals did not differ in juvenile mortality (inbred 8 %, n=24; non-inbred: 22 %, n=77, ?=0.18, df=1, P>0.1).
Calves with inbreeding coefficient >0.25 appeared to have higher juvenile mortality (33 %, n=6) than calves with inbreeding coefficient <0.25 (22%, n=54).
Offspring born to captive-born Females had juvenile mortality [=died before 6 months of age] of 23 %, n=60, higher than those born to wild-born Females (12 %, n=41), not statistically significant ( ?=1.98, df=1, P=0.15).
Offspring of primiparous females had a significantly higher juvenile mortality rate (38%, n=26) than those of multiparous females (10%, n=67; ?=9.84, df=1, P<0.001).
Inbred and non-inbred animal did not differ in birth weight, thus birth weight was not correlated with inbreeding coefficient of the calf.
Gestation tended to be shorter for inbred young than for non-inbred young. Gestation period was negatively correlated with the coefficient of inbreeding of the young.

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