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Bertschinger, H.J., 1994. Reproduction in black and white rhinos: a review: pp. 155-161, fig.1

In: Penzhorn, B.L. et al. Proceedings of a symposium on rhinos as game ranch animals. Onderstepoort, Republic of South Africa, 9-10 September 1994: pp. i-iv, 1-242

Location: World
Subject: Reproduction
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
The bull approaches the cow during pro-oestrus carefully and with a typical stiff-legged gait. They stand head-to-head sniffing each other, frequently make gargling noises and spar with their horns. The bull horns the cow between the hindlegs and in the flank from time to time. This is often followed by the cow butting the bull vigorously in the flank but without causing serious damage. Bulls also show flehmen, especially after sniffing the cow's urine.
Information regarding copulation per se is confusing. Hitchins and Anderson observed copulation in black rhino 47 times. Pairs were observed to copulate 2-7 times in a day. The duration of copulation varied from 12 to 43 min with the number of ejaculations per copulation varying from 2 to 9. Perhaps the authors were referring to repeated intromission rather than ejaculation. Grzimek et al. report one copulation observed in Frankfurt Zoo and one in the wild (Tsavo Park), which lasted 35 and 22 minutes, respectively. In Zurich Zoo the bull is allowed into the cow's pen under supervision and stays with her as long as she is on heat (1 -2 days).

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