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Skinner, J.D.; Smithers, R.H.N., 1990. The mammals of the southern African subregion, new edition. Pretoria, University of Pretoria, pp. i-xxxii, 1-771

Location: World
Subject: Morphology - Skull
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
The upper and lower second molars are the largest of the cheekteeth. All cheekteeth are broad-faced and have convoluted enamel layers on their biting surfaces and are adapted to grinding up the food. In the deciduous dentition they have four premolars on either side in the upper and lower jaws, the anterior premolar being the last to erupt and which, in adolescence, is lost and not replaced. Some, however, may persist into early adulthood. There is no sign of the incisors or canines in the deciduous dentition, which are sometimes present in the black rhinoceros, D. bicornis.

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