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Lydekker, R., 1907. The game animals of India, Burma, and Tibet, being a new and revised edition of 'The great and small game of India, Burma, and Tibet'. London, Rowland Ward, pp. i-xv, 1-409

Location: World
Subject: Taxonomy
Species: Indian Rhino

Original text on this topic:
The great Indian rhinoceros is the largest of the three named Asiatic species, and specially characterised by the possession of a single horn, coupled with the fact that the fold of skin in front of the shoulder is not continued across the back of the neck, and likewise by the skin of the sides of the body being thickly studded with large rounded tubercles, which have been aptly compared to the heads of the rivets in an iron boiler. Very characteristic, too, are the great folds of skin which surround the back of the head like a coif ; the head itself being larger and more elevated at the ears than in either of the other Asiatic species.

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