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Bien, M.N.; Chia, L.P., 1938. Cave and rock-shelter deposits in Yunnan. Bulletin of the Geological Society of China 18: 325-347, pls. 1-2, figs. 1-12

Location: Asia - East Asia - China
Subject: Taxonomy - Evolution
Species: Asian Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
Cave or rock-shelter at Hoshangtung, Fumin, [?Szechuan,] China
Excavation in spring 1937 of this dossiliferous site
Rhinoceros sp.
An interesting Rhinoceros is known in the Yunnan cave of Fumin by a number of isolated teeth. - see also figure 7 on p.335
DP1 (upper) - antero-inner lobe extremely small and fused with postero-inner one.
DP3 (upper) - with a very strong antero-outer fold; anterior cingulum very prominent; without any accessory inner pillar; two inner lobes (proto- and metaloph) rather weak and simple.
P2 (upper) - with very weak outer fold, inner cingulum strongly developed, protoloph simple and isolated from both ectoloph and metaloph, when fresh; metaloph simple and without crochet.
M1 (upper) - outer fold weak; posterior cingulum rather weak; protoloph simple, with only faint furrows on both antero- and postero- inner sides; metaloph simple, with a long crochet, without any accessory inner pillar.
DP2 (lower) - represented by 5 specimens but of 3 different sizes. Characters as in common Rhinoceros.
Other teeth as in other forms known from Szechuan and Choukoutien.
Measurements, in mm
DP1 DP3 P2 M1 M3 DP2 (lower)
Length 23.6 45.5 37.8 52.6 51.9 27.9-33.2
Breadth 19.0 45.1 41.8 45.8 60.0 14.9-17.5
The present form differs from Rhinoceros oweni Ringstr?m (Rhinoceros sinensis Matthew and Granger) in having a P2 (upper) with a strong inner cingulum and a protoloph not entirely separated from the metaloph, and in having a M1 (upper) with a simpler metaloph and a longer crochet. If the said characters are not individual, the Yunnan Rhinoceros may represent another species different from that known in Szechuan. It is curious enough that by the observed characters it seems to be rather close to Rhinoceros cf. merckii found from Choukoutien. More and better material is needed for closer study.

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