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Uganda Game Department, 1934. Uganda protectorate, Game Department, Extracts from Annual report for the year ended 31st December, 1932. Journal of the Society for the Preservation of the Fauna of the Empire 22: 34-45

Location: Africa - Eastern Africa - Uganda
Subject: Behaviour - Towards Man
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
It seems almost inevitable that at least one of these grand animals will be shot each year by some person who had overlooked or disbelieves in the mass of accumulated proof of the utter harmlessness of these animals. Residents in West Nile become accustomed to meeting these enormous brutes, but even they have their moments of doubt. Recently the District Commissioner met a rhino cow and calf. Being accompanied by an armed native guard, he warned him on no account to fire, and then waited quietly for the animals to get out of his way. The mother saw us almost at the same instant as we saw her and presumably cautioning the child to keep on its way, for it did so, she turned towards us with the head down and no diminution whatever of the speed which appeared rather faster than a trot. I may confess at once that in spite of what I had just said to the game guard, I clipped a cartridge from the magazine to the chamber of my rifle, but remembering also all that I had been told about these beasts and not wishing to lose my game and elephant license, and perhaps district into the bargain, I had enough faith to shift my rifle to my right hand and gesticulate wildly with my left, uttering loud shoos at the rhinoceros as I did so. It was not until she was eight yards away that she took any notice of the invitation which had now swelled to a chorus, but when she did she acted promptly and turned off after the young one and was rapidly gone. I must admit that if I had it not so well drilled into me that white rhinos are not dangerous, I should unhesitatingly have classified this as a charge.

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