user: pass:

Powell Cotton, P.H.G., 1932. Black rhinoceros hunting: pp. 115-119

In: Maydon, H.C. Big game shooting in Africa. London, Seeley, Service and Co (The Lonsdale Library, vol. 14): pp. 1-445

Location: World
Subject: History
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
For many years European Museums have possessed isolated examples of a square-based Rhinoceros horn said to have come from the north of the Zambezi, but the first definite proof of the beast's existence was a single skull from Lado, which found its way to America in 1900.
Nothing further was heard of the race until my own expedition of 1904-7, when I had the good fortune to bring home a series of skins and skeletons, from which the Northern White Rhino (Rhinoceros simus cottoni), was described as a type apart from the Southern, chiefly on the strength of distinctive differences in skull measurements.

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