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Steele, N.A., 1962. Rescue of a bogged square-lipped rhino: p. 22

In: Natal Parks Board 14th Annual Report, 1 April 1961 - 31 March 1962. Typewritten Report. Pietermaritzburg, NPB: pp. 1-35

Location: Africa - Southern Africa - South Africa
Subject: Behaviour - Daily Routine
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
In November 1959 a report was received that a white rhino was bogged down at the confluence of the Tjevu and Black Umfolozi Rivers. Three rangers and a gang of Game Guards set off for the area to attempt a rescue. The animal was well and truly bogged and it appeared to be exhausted. The Land Rover was driven on the river bed and a steel cable hitched round the rhino's hump. The first pull was unsuccessful. The animal rolled onto its side and this time became very badly stuck. It was impossible to lift the rhino up the slight bank out of the bog, so the job was tackled with pick and shovel. After two hours of hard work, the bank was removed. The cable was tied round the rhino once more, and connected to two land Rovers this time. The rhino was towed out on to the bank, but it unfortunately panicked and rolled back, nearly drowning in the mud as its nostrils became submerged. The whole gang of workers lifted its head and placed logs underneath it. The Land Rovers then moved round to another position and a further attempt was made. The rhino, screaming and trumpeting, tried to help itself, but moved in the wrong direction. At 3.30 pm digging restarted, filling the hole made in the mud by the rhino. Each time the animal moved, sand was thrown underneath its belly. At 4.15 pm it was finally extricated and the tired rescuers returned to their quarters.

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