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Heinichen, I.G., 1967. Karyotype of Ceratotherium simum simum and Equus zebra zebra: a preliminary note. Journal of the South African veterinary medicine Association 38 (3): 247-248, fig. 1

Location: World
Subject: Genetics
Species: White Rhino

Original text on this topic:
The results were obtained by studying spreads prepared from bonemarrow biopsies taken while the animals were chemically immobilized. 33 good spreads were examined prepared from 1 male and 1 female and is supported by counts of leukocyte cultures.
The chromosome number is found to be 2n = 82.
This is the highest figure yet obtained from any mammal.
The karyotype of the white rhino shows group I to consist of 8 submetacentric pairs and group II of 32 acrocentric chromosome pairs with a large metacentric X- and a small acrocentric Y chromosome.

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