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Babault, G., 1949. Notes ethologiques sur quelques mammiferes africains. Mammalia 13: 1-16

Location: Africa - Eastern Africa - Kenya
Subject: Culture
Species: Black Rhino

Original text on this topic:
The Maasais that live in the country of the rhinos say that the females only have two or three calves, because they are torn by the horn of the young while putting it to the world. We don't believe it, because one often meets the mothers having very long horns, which shows an advanced age. These natives avoid the charge of the rhino by jumping on the side as he lowers the head to hit. 'He is not able to see us at that moment', they say. It is probably right, because these natives are good observers, who, before the European medicines, had noticed that malaria was transmitted by a mosquito.

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