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Hazewinkel, J.C., 1932. A rhino-hunt in Sumatra. Java Gazette 1 (5) Suppl: i-viii, figs. 1-10

Location: World
Subject: Behaviour - Daily Routine
Species: Javan Rhino

Original text on this topic:
With nerves taut through excitement, we crept on, careful to the utmost, for anything might be happening now. Arriving at a cluster of big trees, we found, that had we but come some minutes earlier, we could have surprised our pachyderm taking its bath in a mudpool.
In these pools, called koebangs, the Rhino likes to wallow, just like the buffalo, to cover its hide with a thick layer of mud, to protect, it against heat, leeches and ticks. These koebangs are found at fixed intervals, in the haunts of the Rhino, that it may indulge in its particular hobby, as frequently as it likes.

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