user: pass:

Morgan, J. de, 1885. Exploration dans la presqu'île malaise. L'Homme (Journal illustré des sciences anthropologiques) 2 (18-21): 545-559, 577-587, 609-623, 641-656, figs. 117-146

Location: Asia - South East Asia - Malaysia - Peninsular
Subject: Distribution - Poaching
Species: Asian Rhino Species

Original text on this topic:
The Sakaye only shoot elephant, buffalo and rhinoceros from a very close distance. They always aim at the eyes, and the arrow goes through up to the bones of the skull. Such a wound made with small poisoned arrows is enough to kill the monsters of the forest. If the animal dies, it does so within 15 minutes, and hence it is nver far from where it was shot. It does not need to be added that the Sakayes only kill these large animals very rarely.

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