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Baldwin, J.H., 1877. The large and small game of Bengal and the North-Western provinces of India, 2nd ed. London, Henry S. King and Co, pp. i-xxiv, 1-380

Location: World
Subject: Behaviour - Daily Routine
Species: Indian Rhino

Original text on this topic:
Rhinoceri are in the habit of depositing their ordure in one particular spot. I have several times come across these places: apparently, from the heap of soil and the rankness of the grass around, they had been used for very many years, and on examination I invariably found fresh traces of the brutes. Natives have told me that often savage encounters take place at these spots between the males, who, I suppose, have casually met. The Assamese build machans in trees near, and on moonlight nights wait for the rhinoceri and sometimes shoot them.

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